Friday, February 15, 2008

What's to blame?

So I read Ron Dennis and his wife are getting divorced. I bet Anthony Hamilton shacks up with her. I always see those two in the garage together looking awfully close.

I didn't really address the racism issue that popped up in recently in Spanish testing concerning Lewis Hamilton. Whilst I didn't read every single story on the matter the early ones I did read seemed to me that the issue was being blown slightly out of proportion and that such behaviors shouldn't have even been reported on by the media because no matter where you are in the world, there are going to be some ignorant assholes and there's nothing you can really do about those very few rotten apples. It's not like they were threatening his life. They put on some black face and held up a sign. I watched The Jazzsinger last night and saw fucking Neil Diamond in black face and a fake afro. The point is is that sometimes people don black face and while it shouldn't be socially acceptable, the FIA shouldn't shit in their pants over it. I'm sure the Hamilton family didn't lose any sleep over it.

What is really racist is the name of the first black man to drive an F1 car back in 1986. His name was Willy T. Ribbs. I mean. Come on.

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