Sunday, December 16, 2007

Turdsy in a semi familiar toilet...

There are reports that Giancarlo Fisichella has signed with Force India. Nothing is confirmed, but that's what a few web sites are claiming. I don't see why it couldn't be true. If it is, he's essentially back at his old home of Jordan where he won his first race. Who knows how many Jordan guys are still there considering the team has changed hands like 3 times since he was last there, but in theory, he's back in a familiar back marker team.

As Grand Prix Dot Com pointed out, it's a real pisser that Tonio Liuzzi didn't get the drive (if these reports are in fact true) considering he is much younger and has more to offer. I'm with Bernard Ecclestone in the thought that Turdsy Fisi should just pack it in like old Ralf Schumacher. I've already detailed my reasoning for this in past entries, so there is no reason to say it all again other than Fisichella is a general disappointment... and old.

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